Preliminary programme: titles, timings, and speaker details liable to change

Refreshments and registration
Welcome and introduction
AWR Surgery – where have we come from and where are we going

Chairs: Alastair Windsor & David Ross

- Reflection on a life in Hernia Surgery – what I’ve learned, and what may lie ahead | Lars Joergensen (10 mins)

- The Evolution of robotic surgery in AWR surgery | Yuri Novitsky (10 mins)

- What are we doing well? How can we improve? | Todd Heniford (10 mins)

- Discussion (15 mins)

Sponsored Symposium - The Future of Digital Technology : The Power of Connection ,Live Streaming and AI Insights in surgery

George Murgatroyd
VP/GM Digital Technology medtronic

Supported By:

Managing Risk after abdominal Closure

Chairs: Jeff Janis & Rhys Thomas

- Identifying the high-risk patient | Stella Smith (10 mins)

- I can’t’ close the abdomen- Help | Dominic Slade (10 mins)

- Closing the abdomen- We know how to do it- but we don’t do it - technique and the emergence of closing teams | Ramia Stolt (10 mins)

- Abdominal compartment syndrome; diagnosis and management | Michael Sugrue (10 mins)

- Discussion (20 mins)

Lunch and exhibition viewing
Prehabilitation and optimization

Chairs: Stella Smith & David Sanders

- Pre-optimisation of the Complex AWR patient | Professor Sandy Jack (15 mins)

Intra operative musts to optimise success | Professor Boermeester (15 mins) 

- Peri-Operative nutrition in the surgical patient | Glenda O’Connor (15 mins)

- Discussion (15 mins)

Sponsored Symposium - An update on the Madrid APPROACH and the incorporation of GORE® SYNECOR Preperitoneal Biomaterial into my CAWR practice

Miguel Angel Garcia Urena

Supported By: 

Incisional ventral hernias (video case studies)

Chair: Al Windsor & Michael Sugrue

- Open repair | Rhys Thomas (15 mins)

- Applying robotics to treat the midline hernia– strengths and limitations | Yuri Novitsky (15 mins)

- Discussion (15 mins)

Refreshments and Exhibition
Keynote: Management of seromas: Evidence-based strategies

Jeff Janis

Sponsored Symposium – Simplifying Robotic Access with Dexter® to Deliver the Best in Minimally Invasive Care

Sarah Moore

Supported By:

Understanding obesity and the role of novel strategies in achieving weight loss; Implications for AWR

Andrew Jenkinson

Welcome Reception
Registration and refreshments
Surgery in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Chairs: Dominic Slade & John Fischer

- The role of AI in AWR Surgery | Todd Heniford (10 mins)

- Certification and Performance Metrics in Robotic Surgery | Charlotte El-Sayed (10 mins)

- Impact of ChatGPT on surgical practice | Prof Sashi Kommu (10 mins)

- Discussion (15 mins)

Sponsored Symposium - P4HB - From Reinforcement to Repair

John Fischer

Supported by: 

Keynote: The Management of Post –Transplant Hernias

Prof Fred Berrovoets

Break and exhibition viewing
Open component separation – When to do it and how?

Chairs: Lars Joergensen & Michael Sugrue

- Indications for OCS | John Fischer (12 mins)

- How to perform ACS | Srinivas Chintapatla (12 mins)

- The open TAR | Yuri Novitsky (12 mins)

- Complications of OCS | David Sanders (12 mins)

- Discussion (12 mins)

Sponsored Symposium - Is it time for a specialist para-stomal hernia surgeon?

Al Windsor and Bob Bloemendaal

Supported By: 

Contemplating the navel

Chairs: Dom Slade & Ramia Stolt

- A brief overview of Umbilical Hernia Management | Lars Joergensen (12 mins)

- Application of mesh sutures to umbilical hernia repair | Jeremy Clark (12 mins)

- Managing post-partum Umbilical Hernia | David Ross (12 mins)

- MIS repair of umbilical and diastasis repair | Bob Bloemendaal (12 mins)

- Complex umbilical hernia repair | Fred Berrevoet (12 mins)

- Discussion (10 mins)

Lunch and Exhibition
Complex Hernias

Chairs: Todd Heniford & David Ross

- Traumatic and Flank hernias |Miguel Urena (15 mins)

- Para-stomal hernias | Sam Parker (15 mins)

- Contaminated Incisional Hernia – A Plastic Surgical Solution| Prof Greg Dumanian (15 mins)

- Discussion (10 mins)

Keynote: Training the next Generation of AWR surgeons

Knut Borch

Refreshments and exhibition viewing
Other key skills for AWR Surgeons

Chairs: Al Windsor & Miguel Urena

- Evaluating the role of muscle paralysis in AWR  |  Jeff Janis (20 mins)

- PPP and Ventral Hernia repair | Yohan Renard (20 mins)

- Discussion (5 mins)

Sponsored Symposium - It’s time to rethink wound healing! A place for Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy (ciNPT) in abdominal and reconstructive surgery.

Prof. Marja Boermeester, Professor of Surgery and a Clinical Epidemiologist at the Amsterdam University Medical Centres (AUMC)

Supported By:

Soft tissue recon of the abdominal wall

Chairs: Greg Dumanian & Yuri Novitksy

- Soft tissue complications | Jeff Janis (20 mins)

- Soft tissue reconstruction | Mr Paul Roblin (15 mins)

- Discussion (5 mins)

Networking Reception
Registration and refreshments
Panel: Which mesh to choose and when?

Chair: Sam Parker & Al Windsor

- David Sanders

- Marja Boermeester

- Filip Muysoms

- Todd Heniford

Keynote: Danger of operating by numbers in AWR

Andrew De Beaux

Sponsored symposium- The role of vertical fascial traction in abdominal wall surgery

Gereon Lill

Supported By:

Keynote: Pre-peritoneal Approach to AWR-myth or reality?

Todd Heniford

- Discussion

Break and exhibition viewing
The 5 reasons to remove skin at the end of AWR

Prof Greg Dumanian

Sponsored Presentation - Complex Abdominal Wall Hernia with Versius, how I do it!

Adnan Qureshi

session supported by CMR

Managing Patients - and the surgeons

Chair: Andrew De Beaux & Yohan Renard

- Managing Peri-operative pain in the hernia patient | Sam Bampoe (15 mins)

- Measuring PROM in the abdominal wall patient; how to do it and why it’s important |  John Fischer (15 mins)

- Don’t forget the surgeon: Burnout in AWR |  Srinivas Chintapatla (15 mins)

- Discussion (5 mins)

Lunch and exhibition viewing
Case Studies: The expert panel

Chairs: David Ross & Al Windsor

- John Fischer

- Rhys Thomas

- Miguel Urena

- Yuri Novitsky

- David Sanders

- Yohann Renard

Close of conference