Al Windsor, HCA Healthcare
Al Windsor
Consultant Surgeon
HCA Healthcare

Mr Windsor is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon with HCA Healthcare UK, based out of London Digestive Surgery at the London Digestive Centre in Marylebone. He has recently retired from the NHS having been on the consultant staff at St James University Hospital, Leeds (1997 – 1999), St Mark’s Hospital, London (1999 – 2006) and University College Hospital London. (2006 – 2019)

He is fortunate to still maintain an expertise and a very busy specialist referral practice in colorectal surgery operating at the Princess Grace Hospital, The London Clinic and King Edward VII in London. His clinical focus has been to a large extent on the management of complex inflammatory bowel disease and its surgical complications. He was formally surgical lead for the national intestinal failure unit at St Mark's Hospital and surgical lead for the intestinal failure unit at UCLH.

Part of the work in the IF Unit was also the management of complex and recurrent incisional hernias and abdominal wall defects. Through this work he has developed an equally busy national referral practice in abdominal wall reconstruction. He is a board member of the British Hernia Society and organises and co-chairs the highly successful Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe, international meeting in February, now in its fifth year.

He has over one hundred and fifty peer reviewed publications, book chapters and books and he remains a committed surgical researcher, trainer and educator.