Jeffrey Janis, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Jeffrey Janis
Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Jeffrey Janis is full-time faculty as a Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. He is also Chief of Plastic Surgery at University Hospital, Co-Director of the Center for Abdominal Core Health, and holds adjunct appointments as a Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Surgery.

He received his business degree from Washington University Olin School of Business, medical degree from Case Western Reserve, and did his plastic surgery training in Dallas at UT Southwestern Medical Center, where he also served as the residency program director and Chief of Plastic Surgery at Parkland Memorial Hospital.

He is a Past President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons, the American Hernia Society, the Columbus Medical Association, and founding President of the Migraine Surgery Society. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open.

He also currently serves as a Governor on the Board of Governors for the American College of Surgeons, is a member of the ACGME’s Plastic Surgery Residency Review Committee, serves on the Executive Committee for the Surgical Pain Congress (SPC) as well as the Executive Committee for the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons.

To date, he has served as a Visiting Professor at 54 major national and international institutions, published 233 peer-reviewed articles, 109 book chapters, and 6 books, with 3 more books and an app pending publication, and has delivered over 1035 lectures.