Check out the AWRE 2024 Programme and join us in Ghent for this fantastic event.
David Ross & Al Windsor
Chairs: David Ross & Al Windsor
- Understanding the role of robotics, Filip Muysoms
- Where can you begin to train on robotics in AWR surgery, Mette Willaume
- Bringing new robots to market, how can you get them approved
Chairs: Mette Willaume & John Fischer
- How do we extrapolate sort term results to long term outcomes, David Sanders
- Is the robot always the answer?, Todd Heniford
- What role will AI play in medicine and how will it be applied to AWR surgery, Jeff Janis
Chairs: Nadia Henriksen & Tim Brown
- Open techniques, Al Windsor
- Laparoscopic techniques, Hakan Gok
- Robotic techniques, Eva Deerenberg
Marja Boermeester
Chair: Fred Berrevoet & Marja Boermeester
- Flank hernias, Eric Pauli
- Umbilical hernias, Nadia Henriksen
- Lumbar hernias, Yohann Renard
- Transplant hernias, Tim Brown
Eric Pauli
Chairs: David Ross & Al Windsor
Chair: Sam Parker
- What does patient happiness mean?, Srinivas Chintapatla
- What do we mean by patient outcomes and how do we measure it? John Fischer
- Discussion
Yohann Renard
Chairs: Filip Muysoms & Dr B Ramana
- Marja Boermeester
- Eric Pauli
- Todd Heniford
Marc Mizerez
- Fischer
- Al Windsor
- Eva Deerenberg
- Maaike Vierstraete
Ferdinand Köckerling
Chair: Todd Heniford
- What I do with the unrepairable hernia, Marja Boermeester
- TBC, Sam parker
- A new paradigm in giant hernia repair, Dr Ramana
David Ross & Al Windsor