AWRE 2024 Faculty

Every year our conference producers curate a line-up of fantastic speakers for the CPD conference programme.

Consultant Surgeon
HCA Healthcare

Mr Windsor is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon with HCA Healthcare UK, based out of London Digestive Surgery at the London Digestive Centre in Marylebone. He has recently retired from the NHS having been on the consultant staff at St James University Hospital, Leeds (1997 – 1999), St Mark’s Hospital, London (1999 – 2006) and University College Hospital London. (2006 – 2019)

He is fortunate to still maintain an expertise and a very busy specialist referral practice in colorectal surgery operating at the Princess Grace Hospital, The London Clinic and King Edward VII in London. His clinical focus has been to a large extent on the management of complex inflammatory bowel disease and its surgical complications. He was formally surgical lead for the national intestinal failure unit at St Mark's Hospital and surgical lead for the intestinal failure unit at UCLH.

Part of the work in the IF Unit was also the management of complex and recurrent incisional hernias and abdominal wall defects. Through this work he has developed an equally busy national referral practice in abdominal wall reconstruction. He is a board member of the British Hernia Society and organises and co-chairs the highly successful Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe, international meeting in February, now in its fifth year.

He has over one hundred and fifty peer reviewed publications, book chapters and books and he remains a committed surgical researcher, trainer and educator.

Consultant Surgeon
North Devon District Hospital

David Sanders is president of the British Hernia Society. He is a consultant upper GI surgeon and clinical lead for GI Surgery at North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple, part of the Royal Devon University Hospital Trust.

He completed specialty laparoscopic upper GI training in the South West of England and a trauma fellowship in South Africa. His doctorate thesis was on the influence of mesh and fixation techniques on infection in abdominal wall hernia repair and is an internationally recognized expert in the field with over 70 publications in the field of hernia surgery and several book chapters.

He has given numerous invited lectures on the topic both nationally and internationally. David chaired the National Institute for Clinical Excellence approved commissioning guidance for groin hernia, was involved in developing the RightCare patient decision aid for inguinal hernias and is on the European working group that developed the Abdominal Wall Closure Guidelines and the International Hernia Guidelines.

He is the co-chair of the European Hernia Society Incisional Hernia Guidelines Group.

Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Plastic Surgery West One
Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Jeffrey Janis is full-time faculty as a Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. He is also Chief of Plastic Surgery at University Hospital, Co-Director of the Center for Abdominal Core Health, and holds adjunct appointments as a Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Surgery.

He received his business degree from Washington University Olin School of Business, medical degree from Case Western Reserve, and did his plastic surgery training in Dallas at UT Southwestern Medical Center, where he also served as the residency program director and Chief of Plastic Surgery at Parkland Memorial Hospital.

He is a Past President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons, the American Hernia Society, the Columbus Medical Association, and founding President of the Migraine Surgery Society. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open.

He also currently serves as a Governor on the Board of Governors for the American College of Surgeons, is a member of the ACGME’s Plastic Surgery Residency Review Committee, serves on the Executive Committee for the Surgical Pain Congress (SPC) as well as the Executive Committee for the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons.

To date, he has served as a Visiting Professor at 54 major national and international institutions, published 233 peer-reviewed articles, 109 book chapters, and 6 books, with 3 more books and an app pending publication, and has delivered over 1035 lectures.

Associate Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery)
University of Pennsylvania Health System

John P. Fischer, MD, MPH, FACS, is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Health System. His practice includes reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery with a focus on reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of trunk and breasts.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Hernia Society, has a Master’s in Public Health from the Bloomberg School at Johns Hopkins, and is the Director of Clinical Research in the Division of Plastic Surgery.

He has over 200 peer-reviewed publications. Prior to joining the University of Pennsylvania faculty, Dr. Fischer completed his undergraduate studies at Hamilton College and medical school at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY graduating AOA.

Dr. Fischer oversees the Clinical Research Program at Penn Plastic Surgery collaborating with multiple research fellows, students, and numerous faculty across the University. Dr. Fischer’s Research Lab focuses on surgical outcomes, patient reported outcomes, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in surgery.

He was recently awarded an NIH R01 to better predict the surgical outcomes.

AWR Consultant
Zealand University Hospital
Chief of the Unit of Innovation in Minimally Invasive Surgery
University Hospital "Virgen del Rocío"

- Chief of the Unit of Innovation in Minimally Invasive Surgery of the University Hospital "Virgen del Rocío"

- Head of the General and Digestive Surgery Unit of the Hospital QuirónSalud Sagrado Corazón in Sevilla (Spain).

- Accredited as Full Professor of the University by the Ministry of Education of Spain. University of Sevilla

- President of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES) - Past-President of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC) - Past General Secretary of the European Hernia Society (EHS)

- Vice-Chairman of the Chapter of Abdominal Wall surgery of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)

- Director of the Training program of endoscopic surgery of the Spanish Association of Surgery (AEC)

- President of the Expert Committee of the Royal College of Medicine of Sevilla

- Vice-President of the National Commission for General and Digestive Surgery of the National Council of Specialties in Health Sciences of the Ministry of Health

Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon
Manchester Royal Infirmary

Stella Smith is a Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon in Manchester with a trauma background. She has a dedicated interest in abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) which forms a large part of her practice. Whilst undertaking a Trauma Fellowship in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, she gained a wealth of experience managing patients with penetrating abdominal trauma who had damage control surgery resulting in an open abdomen.

In August 2018, Stella founded the Greater Manchester Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Forum; a multidisciplinary group, including general and plastic surgeons, that discusses complex and interesting cases as well as to share tips and tricks, promote research and undertake audits. Stella has been Treasurer of the British Hernia Society for 2 years and sits on the Registry Subcommittee.

Stella has a humanitarian interest and, in 2019, has been on call for the UK Emergency Medical Team to deploy to areas of natural disaster on behalf of the Department for International Development (DfID). She also has an active interest in major trauma and education. She has developed and convened bespoke trauma courses in Manchester for multi professionals. She is an Honorary Senior Lecturer for Queen Mary, University of London.